Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Nuts & Bolts.

For a couponer like me, Sunday is better than your birthday. It is the day when the gas station lady secretly whispers that you are crazy behind your back as you haul a stack of papers to the counter and leave the paper itself behind. Although, on an unrelated topic, I generally make the people in line behind me very happy- they all get a free Sunday paper! So, while Sunday is fresh in every one's minds, let's see where to start the savings. 

First, always always make sure that the paper you are buying has coupon inserts. Some newspapers business oriented, like the New York Times, will not have coupon inserts. For the Tampa Bay area the Tampa Bay Times is your best bet. If you are not sure if the papers in your area have inserts, you can always call their customer service number or ask the clerk at which ever store you are going to pick your papers up from if you can take a peak inside. Generally, the inserts you are looking for are in the middle, near the comics section. (I would like to thank who ever put together the format of the paper for putting all of my favorite parts in one place.)

If you ever want to check out what is going to be in the inserts with out looking like you are about to steal a paper, you can see what is in this week's coupons. Now, keep in mind that not every paper has the same inserts. Each region has different "types" of coupons. This can range any where from different products to different denominations. For example, you may have a coupon that is $2 off of 1 package of ice cream, where I, with a different paper from a different region, may have a coupon for that same product but for $2 off of 2 instead. Or, I may not have a coupon for that product at all. But, don't be jealous, there are tons of fabulous websites like this one here where you can buy inserts. 

Now, after all this, you are probably thinking, okay lady- just tell me how to coupon. Patience, young one, we will get there.

So what exactly are you looking for in the paper?

Smart Source, also abbreviated SS.
Red Plum, also abbreviated RP.
P&G, already abbreviated.

Smart Source and Red Plum are generally in the paper every Sunday. Now, of course I say this on a weekend where there is no Red Plum, but more times than not, it is there. P&G, on the other hand, is only in the paper once a month. Generally in the beginning of the month. For the month of October, you will find P&G in October 7th's paper. If you ever want to check out what inserts will be in this week's paper, there is a pre-determined schedule. Yes, I agree,  it takes all the mystery out of couponing. 


So that is your first lesson in couponing. I don't want to overwhelm you with good news. But hey, if you have any questions or need any clarification, this is definitely the place to ask!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Teach Me Your Ways

Every revolution starts with a little inspiration. I can't forget to give huge props to Katie and Melisha over at True Couponing. They cater to new couponers in the Tampa Bay area, and they are such an inspiration! I recently stumbled across them on a late night Google rampage. They are the first website I have seen that offers information on Couponing Workshops, ever. I have not been able to get off this website for a few days now. They have such an easy format for couponing and some pretty awesome handouts that I am totally using.
And being a product of years of going to church I don't hate their motto at all:
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

See, Jesus wants you to coupon.
And if you don't believe in Jesus, that's fine- your mom wants you to coupon.

...From a 1 to 10, they're a certified 20.

If It's Free, It's for Me!!!

Ain't they purdy? Wet N Wild Nail polish- something every little coupon princess needs. Want to know what the best part about this nail polish is? I actually made 21 cents for buying these.

Jealous? Well, you shouldn't be, because this blog will teach you how to snag up some awesome deals, like this, and even more deals like the free Glade Spray I got this week. 

From this day forth, you will buy every Sunday paper. Here in Tampa, the Tampa Bay Times only costs 75 cents. I personally, being the freak of nature that I am, buy 4 papers a week. But think about it, I spent 75 cents on coupon booklet that gave me free nail polish, along with almost $2,000 worth of other coupons as well. I'd say money well invested champ.

So, I know it is killing you, how did I score this awesome swag? Here's what I did:
  1. Go to the Red Plum booklet of the 9/09/12 newspaper.
  2. About Mid-way there's a huge picture with Fergie's face on it. 
  3. Cut that bad mama jamma out.
  4. Take it to Wal-Mart (just don't go to the Wal- Mart I went to because I literally took their last three bottles)
  5. They cost 93 cents per bottle, but march your money saving behind up to the cash register and walk out with your free nail polish.
Now, keep in mind, if you are buying other items, the 21 cents (7 cents per bottle) that you earned can be credited towards those items. Wal-Mart's policy is to apply it to the rest of the transaction and not give you a gift card for the money owed back to you. Which is fine, because who wants a 7 cent gift card. LAMMEE.
If nothing I just said to you make sense, breathe, it's fine. I don't want to bombard you with how-to's and do's and don't's right off the gate. No no, I am going to help you ease into it- baby steps. This week nail polish- tomorrow the world.

....It's as easy as 1-2-3!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Shape of My Heart

Not only is this my first post, but this is the beginning of a revolution. No lie. I can guarantee you that if you listen to me, like everyone should any way, you will find yourself saving tons of money when you go to the grocery and convenience store. 
I am the Coupon Queen, (emphasis on the Queen, please) and I have my finger on the pulse of what's going on in the savings world. "But Queen, how could you possibly find the time to do all of this awesome saving?" you may ask, simple. Stick with me kid, and we will go far together, if you can handle it.
My goal from this is to teach you how to use coupons and in store deals to save you a ton of money with out taking a ton of time out of your life. As a full-time college student with a job and a full time social life, I know that time is precious. Don't go by what you see on TV, you do not need to spend 40 hours a week cutting coupons, you do not need to buy a separate house for your toilet paper and dish soap, and you do not need to spend your entire Saturday at Wal-Mart just to save a few bucks. And most importantly, I will never ever ever encourage you to dumpster dive. Totes gross.

In just a few minutes before you go shopping I can teach you what you need to know to get the most out of the little bit of money you have left after the liquor store and mall take their cut.

.....Are you ready for this jelly?